Friday 21 October 2011

so much shit has happened in 2 days hours dean found out a stupid rumor that wasnt even true! by sophia and he kind of believed it and questioned me heaps when i told him i was telling the truth but no he didnt believe me! so now were not going out... how could he believe or question me so many times about a stupid rumors that were spread by some fag*** i mean seriously?! he believes her over me fml! maddie and mitchelle have been really nice a BIG sorry! to maddie she called asking how i was but i was fighting with D and he was turning things back on me and then just gave up and said good bye! pff... blue eyes the reason i hung up was because i was crying and i didnt wnt you to hear me :S. he'll move on but i will stay the same rotting of unhappieness....>.< D and blue eyes are still close and now its going to be awkward around us... i hate it! heaps of people feel sorry for him so much and then theres me... and people just think im a bitch for stuff that i did? that he told people fml... or the rumor...

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