Sunday 30 October 2011

- you go through all my private messages and private belongings, i dont really mind but when i ask to look at a message from one of my friends which is about me! you wont let me in? you always talk to my friends when you dont even know them... you always do this?.. i dont understand why you do? if your not helping anyone out? you just bitch about me to my friends:S you agree with my friends over me and you havnt experienced what i have... you complain about holding my bag when you havnt even took hold of it yet, but you just dump your bags on me and ditch me while you go flirt with the guy who i dislike and is big trouble! you have changed so much my friend... can i please havethe friend i used to know? i need her right now..... lifes really stressfull atm... the funny, the one who always used to care, who was always there? the one thatlaughed with me for ages of the stupidest things, the one that wasnt always so stuborn and always believed me over strangers... your own bestfriend... </3 our time was up... you probobally knew that though.. but i kept on frighingfor our bestfriendship... i used to think that we would always be there for each other but our futures saw through that...

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